Plot twist/ Happy ending reveal: The last scene of 5x13 is actually set around 60 years after the...
Plot twist/ Happy ending reveal: The last scene of 5x13 is actually set around 60 years after the fic The Student Prince. It’s actually old!Arthur behind the wheel of that truck, dropping old!Merlin off to Avalon for some magical water/herbs gathering. And the truck is actually Kilgharrah. They were reincarnated 80 years ago and have lived happily together for more than 60 years. When Merlin looks at the center of Avalon, he’s not longing for Arthur, because Arthur is already with him. He’s just simply feeling nostalgic.
brolininthetardis: magicalembrace: #one of my favorite parts...

#one of my favorite parts of the ep tbh #like can we just talk about how merlin's just seen all this really important epic shit about the battle #and he's using the one chance he has to get some kind of message to arthur before it's too late #and it's not as if he's got all the time in the world #but he doesn't just launch right into it #the first thing he says is he's sorry #and that he didn't want to leave him #reassures him he's a good king #like fuck #even now at a time like this #he is still arthur's loyal and devoted friend before he is anything else (brolininthetardis)
#not to mention that arthur takes that moment and doesn't even question it for a second #it's merlin talking to him #and merlin /feels/ real in that moment #what he's saying /feels/ like the man he's grown to know #so instead of questioning it or thinking it was just a dream #or wondering why he would be hearing merlin #or ANY of that #all he does is get the hell out of that bed and get to work making sure his men know about what he was told #that his men are secure #he trusts in merlin so much #that he would even trust and believe in a dream version of him #because he knows merlin would never lead him astray (magicalembrace)
Ser Aevan: If i was Gwen I would be so fucking done with Arthur by this pointShe...
Ser Aevan: If i was Gwen I would be so fucking done with Arthur by this pointShe...:If i was Gwen I would be so fucking done with Arthur by this point
She should've been like "you fucking bastard we're married but you hang out with him every second of the day possible and he's still the one who dresses you in the morning, prepares your bath and bed, and undresses you at night…
Yes please. This would be so perfect /sobs Happy ending for everyone! Headcanon accepted <3
unicornsandbondage: I don't want to alarm any ovaries, but...

I don't want to alarm any ovaries, but Colin Morgan is totally Jack Frost.
Completely agree with you. If the merlin finale upsets me, I'm going to rewatch 'Rise of the guardians' and watch it as headcanon's real merlin ending after 5x13. Merlin as Jack Frost and Arthur as the boy who finally sees him. Maybe + Gwaine as the bunny? idk. :p
I’m just sad because we’ll never get to see Merlin (young Merlin) and Arthur fighting an...
I’m just sad because we’ll never get to see Merlin (young Merlin) and Arthur fighting an epic battle back to back. I’ve been waiting for that these whole 5 series and that’s what I’m watching the show for. An epic cool awesomeness of the two main characters, also recognition for the title character. We’re not getting that and there’s this rumour that says Merlin will be stuck in his old form and I’m just.. I don’t know what to say
alexvlahos: Made rebloggable by request. I can't...

Made rebloggable by request.
I can't possibly explain this better. I totally agree with everything you said. I wish merlin's creators could read this. I don't care if it's too late, I just want them to fucking understand how the fans feel about this. Although it would still be better to get 5 mins recognition than none. I'm still fearing that rumour about Merlin being stuck in his old form would come true. I hope it won't happen >__<
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